man holding ice cream cone under cloud

Top 10 tips on how to focus and improve your Mental Health and Wellness this year.

Mental Wellness is an extremely important aspect of our lives. Being mentally healthy will help us to grow and mature, and also to get the most out of life.

In this article, we’ll be talking about ways you can improve your mental wellness in 2018 by focusing on Mental Health and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). We’ll also go over the signs and symptoms that could indicate someone has Borderline Personality Disorder.

According to recent studies , around 1 in 4 people suffer from some form of mental illness, with 50 million Americans suffering from a serious mental illness such as Borderline Personality Disorder each year . The World Health Organization (WHO) even reports that 450 million people worldwide live with depression or other common mental disorders at any given time .

The important thing to remember about mental health is that it’s just like physical health – you can’t simply look after one aspect of your general wellness, and neglect the other psychologically related factors. So let’s get started.


Top 10 Borderline Personality Disorder Tips & Tricks for 2018…

#10: Educate Yourself on Borderline Personality Disorder

This tip goes hand in hand with Tip 1. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious psychiatric illness resulting from a mix of environmental, genetic/biochemical, cognitive, developmental and sociocultural factors . People who suffer from BPD are often “sensitive” or “impulsive”. They struggle with emotions such as anger, depression and anxiety which may result in self-harm or suicidal tendencies. Borderline Personality Disorder is not a “personality disorder”, as many people think it is, but rather an actual mental illness. Borderline Personality Disorder affects around 1% of the world’s population , so being educated on this topic will help you to understand what your loved one with Borderline Personality Disorder is going through.

#9: Seek Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder

Another tip that goes hand in hand with Tip 1 – Seeking professional treatment for Borderline personality disorder (BPD) can be difficult because sufferers are often ashamed or embarrassed by their symptoms, which include self-injury, feelings of emptiness and instability . This can make it difficult to seek out qualified professionals who specialize in mental health, even though Borderline Personality Disorder can be successfully treated in most cases.

Tip 8 is for the carer, parent or loved one of someone who has Borderline Personality Disorder…

#8: Be Patient with Borderline Personality Disorder

The main symptom of Borderline personality disorder is a pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image and emotion . People suffering from Borderline personality disorder often experience intense episodes of anger, depression and anxiety that may last from a few hours to several days. This may result in impulsive actions such as substance abuse, unsafe sex, gambling sprees and binge eating , which they might regret afterwards. They sometimes harm themselves by cutting their skin open with knives or razors to get rid of their intense emotions, or they may engage in self-harming behavior such as burning themselves with cigarettes . Borderline personality disorder is a serious mental illness, and those suffering from it need the patience and understanding of family members and friends.


This tip is about how you can improve your ability to focus on what’s important…

#7: Streamline Mindfulness Meditation

Most people would agree that one of their main priorities for 2018 should be to learn meditation techniques . Mindfulness meditation has been proven to help people suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), as well as helping them gain an improved sense of control over emotions and bodily sensations , making it easier for sufferers to manage anger and stress . It also helps reduce depression, anxiety, rumination, and emotional reactivity . Mindfulness has been used to successfully treat Borderline Personality Disorder in combination with dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and is thought to help prevent future suicidal attempts or self-harm.

#6: Find Something that Focuses your Attention

People suffering from Borderline personality disorder are often very impulsive, which can make it difficult for them to finish set tasks on time. This might result in difficulty at school or work, the loss of friends and relationship breakdowns, as well as financial problems . For someone suffering from Borderline personality disorder, learning how to focus their attention will play a major role in improving their quality of life. It is important for people who suffer from BPD to find something that helps them focus their attention . Some examples are reading, doing crosswords or puzzles, listening to music or even haiku writing.

The Borderline Personality Disorder causes people to have very unstable moods…

#5: Borderline Personality Disorder Causes Emotional Instability

People suffering from Borderline personality disorder suffer greatly due to the fact that they have extreme difficulty managing their emotions , which results in sudden and intense changes in mood. When a person with Borderline personality disorder is feeling rejected, they may become angry and seek revenge, while when experiencing abandonment they might express feelings of depression and engage in self-harming behaviors such as cutting themselves open with knives. They may also feel emptiness or numbness at times because reality unreal or insubstantial to them. Borderline personality disorder is represented by a pattern of ongoing instability in mood, interpersonal relationships, self-image and behavior.

This tip is for increasing your ability to be emotionally stable…

#4: Borderline Personality Disorder Causes Unstable Interpersonal Relationships

People suffering from Borderline personality disorder often have difficulties with interpersonal relationships , resulting in unstable attitudes towards friends, family members or colleagues . This makes it difficult for people around them to predict their next move because people with Borderline personality disorder may suddenly withdraw from contact, lash out verbally or even physically attack others without warning . The person suffering from Borderline personality disorder might also suffer major fluctuations between seeing themselves as good or bad, lovable or depending on the situation they are in. Borderline personality disorder is represented by a pattern of ongoing instability in mood, interpersonal relationships, self-image and behavior.

grayscale photography of topless woman
Photo by Davide De Giovanni on

#3: Borderline Personality Disorder Causes Unstable Self-Image

People who suffer from Borderline personality disorder tend to see themselves as bad or unworthy , which impacts the way that they relate to others around them. They might feel ashamed after an outburst or put themselves down constantly . Borderlines are often ashamed because they have unstable self-esteem , making them feel like they lack control over their own life, or feeling worthless without reason. Borderline personality disorder is represented by a pattern of ongoing instability in mood, interpersonal relationships, self-image and behavior.

This tip is about how you can improve your focus on Borderline personality disorder.

#2: Borderline Personality Disorder Causes Recurring Problems in Your Life

People suffering from Borderline personality disorder are often unable to see their own problems , even though they have a serious impact on the quality of life of the person experiencing them . Their behavior might cause problems at school or work, difficulties with friendships or keeping romantic relationships, self-harm and suicidal thoughts, which makes it necessary for people with Borderline personality disorder to focus on their issues more closely . Borderline personality disorder is represented by a pattern of ongoing instability in mood, interpersonal relationships, self-image and behavior.

This tip will help you find your true friends…

#1: Borderlines Have an Inability to Form True Friendships

Borderlines tend to experience unstable interpersonal relationships that lead them into friendships where they lack mutual trust with the person, or their relationship does not last long. This is because Borderlines are unable to form true friendships , which may be due to the fact that they regularly act impulsively without thinking about what they are doing . Borderline personality disorder is represented by a pattern of ongoing instability in mood, interpersonal relationships, self-image and behavior.

Good luck and be strong!






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